Here are TOP 10 rules from 100$ startup! Anyone who wants to build a business with low cost, today its not that hard to start your own brand or business.

  • Passion is only 1/3 of the equation, you also need skills and customers.
  • Focus on low costs and being profitable to turn your hobby into a business.
  • Action beats planning, so keep your plan simple.
  • What people say they want and what they want are not always that same.
  • offer reassurance immediately after someone buys something from you.
  • Create hype around a product launch, talk about it beforehand.
  • Price your product or service in relation to the benefit it provides, not the cost of producing it.
  • Get paid more than once for the same thing. Create membership, subscriptions.
  • Make sure your social media strategy talks about you and your product enough.
  • Admit flaws of your product because that builds trust between you and your customers.