DDL Language

DDL stands for Data Definition language. This includes CREATE, ALTER, DROP and TRUNCATE statements. 

CREATE: CREATE statement can be used to create any database objects likes tables, views, functions, procedures, triggers, etc.

DROP: A DROP statement can be used to drop any database objects like tables, views, functions, procedures, triggers, etc.

ALTER: ALTER statement can be used to modify the structure of the database object.

TRUNCATE: TRUNCATE statement can be used to remove all the data from a table at once. 

DML Language

DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. This includes INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE statements.

INSERT: INSERT statement will add records to a table.

UPDATE: The UPDATE statement will modify a record in the table.

DELETE: The DELETE statement will delete one or more records from the table.

MERGE: MERGE statement will either do an update or insert a record to a table based on data available.