The CASE statement is similar to the IF ELSE statement in other programming languages.  We can use this to get or show particular values based on certain conditions.


Take a table student:

id name gender
1 Rahul M
2 Veronica F
3 Raj M
4 Preeti F
5 Ramesh M
6 Amit M

Now we will be going to implement a CASE statement to get gender Male for 'M', Female for 'F', and Other if nothing is defined.

SELECT id, name, CASE WHEN gender='M' THEN 'Male'
WHEN gender='F' THEN 'Female'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS gender
FROM student;

Output Table:
id name gender
1 Rahul Male
2 Veronica Female
3 Raj Male
4 Preeti Female
5 Ramesh Male
6 Amit Male