How to record last login time and IP address of a user In Laravel


To record the last login time and IP address of a user in Laravel, you can use Laravel's built-in authentication system along with some custom logic. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Set Up Authentication

If you haven't already, set up the authentication system in your Laravel application using the following command:

composer require laravel/ui

php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

This will create the necessary authentication scaffolding including login, registration, and user management.

Step 2: Modify the Login Process

Open the `app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php` file and override the `authenticated` method to record the last login time and IP address:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)


    // Update last login time and IP address

    $user->last_login_at = now();

    $user->last_login_ip = $request->getClientIp();



Step 3: Update User Migration

Open the `database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_create_users_table.php` migration file and add the necessary columns for the last login time and IP address:

public function up()


    Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

        // Other columns...






Run the migration to update the users table:

php artisan migrate

Step 4: Display Last Login Information

You can now display the last login time and IP address in your views or user profile page using the `last_login_at` and `last_login_ip` attributes of the authenticated user.

With these steps, your Laravel application will record the last login time and IP address of a user each time they log in. This information can be useful for security monitoring and user activity tracking.