How to Create Services in Laravel 10

In Laravel application development, organizing your codebase effectively is essential for maintaining a clean, scalable, and maintainable architecture. One common pattern for achieving this is through the use of services. Services in Laravel encapsulate business logic and provide a centralized location for performing specific tasks or operations, promoting code reusability and separation of concerns.

In this article, we'll explore how to create services in Laravel 10, leveraging the framework's features to structure your application logic in a modular and efficient manner.

What Are Services?

Before delving into the implementation, let's clarify what we mean by "services" in the context of Laravel. A service in Laravel is a class responsible for encapsulating a specific set of related functionalities or operations. These functionalities could include interacting with the database, performing calculations, integrating with external APIs, or any other business logic specific to your application.

Creating a Service in Laravel

Creating a service in Laravel involves following a straightforward process. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Define the Service Class

Begin by creating a new PHP class within your Laravel application. This class will serve as your service and should be placed within the `app/Services` directory or any other directory structure that suits your project's organization.

namespace App\Services;

class MyService


    public function performTask()


        // Business logic for performing a task



2. Implement the Service Logic

Inside your service class, define methods that encapsulate the specific functionalities or operations you want the service to perform. These methods should contain the business logic relevant to the service's purpose.

namespace App\Services;

class MyService


    public function performTask()


        // Business logic for performing a task


    public function calculateTotal($quantity, $unitPrice)


        return $quantity * $unitPrice;



3. Utilize Dependency Injection

To utilize services within other parts of your Laravel application, you can leverage Laravel's powerful dependency injection system. Simply type-hint the service class in the constructor or method where you need to use it, and Laravel will automatically resolve the dependency.

use App\Services\MyService;

class SomeController extends Controller


    protected $myService;

    public function __construct(MyService $myService)


        $this->myService = $myService;


    public function someMethod()


        $result = $this->myService->performTask();

        // Other controller logic



4. Registering the Service

In Laravel, services are not explicitly registered like service providers. Instead, you can simply instantiate the service class wherever it's needed, and Laravel's IoC container will handle the dependency resolution.

Benefits of Using Services in Laravel

Incorporating services into your Laravel application architecture offers several benefits:

1. Modularity: Services allow you to encapsulate related functionalities into separate classes, promoting a modular and organized codebase.

2. Reusability: By centralizing common functionalities within services, you can reuse them across different parts of your application without duplicating code.

3. Testability: Services can be easily unit tested in isolation, ensuring that each functionality behaves as expected and facilitating automated testing.

4. Dependency Management: Leveraging Laravel's dependency injection system, services help manage dependencies between different components of your application, promoting loose coupling and easier maintenance.


In Laravel development, creating services is a fundamental practice for structuring your application logic in a scalable and maintainable manner. By encapsulating related functionalities into modular service classes, you can achieve better code organization, reusability, and testability. With Laravel's powerful features such as dependency injection, integrating services into your application architecture becomes straightforward and efficient. Embrace the use of services in your Laravel 10 projects to build robust and well-structured applications that are easier to develop, maintain, and extend.