10 Rules of Social Media Marketing
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Social media marketing requires lot of efforts in producing content and other efforts in understanding. I have been working on social media for some clients and i understood some rules which we need follow to become authentic and great in the market.

These rules should not be forgotten while posting content on social media or acquiring new clients for your social media marketing business because it may affect your image on social media.

10 Rules of Social Media Marketing

1. You Need Your Own Successful Social Media Accounts to Show Clients That You Know What You're Doing

If you are beginning your career in social media marketing then you should have your own online presence to show case your profile in front of clients. Clients need to know about you and your capability of doing work.

I have seen lot of social media agencies, who have less engagement rate than their employees. So, how clients can expect that company will provide best services to them. Now, imagine how many clients they loose due to this reason.

Client won't trust you to boost their engagement if you can't do it for your own page.

2. Never Stop Innovating

With new platforms coming in market gives huge shift in social media. If you want to do well in market, you need to pivot and shift with those changes too. Offer different packages with different platforms. 

If you are leaving any platform you are leaving huge money on the table. 

Also keep in mind, if any new platform pops up. You need to be expert as early as you can. There are plenty of businesses who need their presence on every new platform by becoming early adopters of the next big thing.

You don't need to be limited to some platforms. Help clients to manage their different accounts. Learn as early as possible.

3. Get on Top of Latest Hashtags and Viral Stories

Most social media sites allow you schedule content, which is ideal. You can schedule posts two weeks out and know your clients are covered. However, most of the posts are going to be evergreen , meaning they are always relevant.

To bring your clients up to next level, you really need to tap into some of the latest news and hashtags. Google is your friend here, but most social media sites have a trending tab too. Not every client will benefit from references to the latest hashtags and headlines, but you don't want to miss out on any golden opportunities. 

4. Never Share Fake News

Fake news is the big problem now. This is very hard for many people to find out fake news. People see an interesting info-graphics and headlines, but they don't consider whether or not that thing they want to share is really true.

If you are going to work in social media marketing, you have to know how to separate facts from fiction. Otherwise, you jeopardize your business and your clients business too.

5. Be Generous With the Information You Give to Followers

Provide best content to your audience because they want to know better and best information. This is the simple trick to earn loyalty of your audience.

Some people on social media lack in this, they serve less knowledge and expect their audience to follow them. They think their user will implement that trick and never use their services.

Take a example, Many food bloggers show their audience about making food items at their home but you know how many of them make food by watching videos. 

In same way, their little chances they will implement and use your services because they will start trusting you with your content. 

Followers love information more than using or implementing them.

6. Always Deliver More Than You Promise    

When you give new content just beat it. Never give yourself chance to wait. Wow you clients by giving them knowledge and professionalism instead of only giving them the bare minimum. 

You can't have typos, half blogs, or anything else that will show you as amateur. If you do screw it up, you have to post new content as soon as you can.

People will feel betrayed if you don't handle their business as tenderly as if it is your own.

7.  Tech Clients the Real Purpose of Social Media Marketing

I met with lot of clients and most of them don't understand why they need to be on social media. And most of the marketing agencies don't explain to them. If your client don't know how to manage their own social media accounts, there's good chance that all they care about is making sales.

This is part of your job as a marketer to teach your client to focus on their brand image and relationship with customers. Most of the businesses need customer relationship to build their audience to get their sales done. 

8. Offer a Varied and Truly Curated Selection of Content

Every successful social media strategy relies on careful curation. You don't have to just put sales pitches on their social media to get customers for them.

Instead, you need blogs, Infographics, articles, memes, videos, photos, polls and much more. You also need mix of current and evergreen content. Set standards for each client.

9. Avoid Boring Content Strategies

It's great to work on a schedule. Schedule strategies can make the work flow easier. But you shouldn't rely 100% on that daily strategy.

Try something new, at different time or post something different. It will excite your clients.

Your clients and their customers still want to be pleasantly surprised. Make sure you're doing that.

10. Always be Useful, Relatable or Entertaining

Few customers will love your sales post and your client but for long term content, their customers will feel boring after sometime which will be bad for business.

You need to make sure that every piece of content you post is : Useful, Relatable and Entertaining.

When you work for your clients, be equipped with content which will add value to their customer. Clients are trusting you by giving access to their social media.

One more thing you have to remember, one piece of content can give you everything or it may blow their business on ground. So make sure about everything you post.